White mustard

  • Produces a lot of green manure.
  • The roots of the plants loosen the subsoil and improve soil structure.
  • It suppresses weeds and reduces weediness. It
  • is resistant to nematodes and kills them in the soil.
  • Sowing time: from early summer to early autumn.
  • Sowing rate: 200-250 g/a.
    Sowing depth: 2-3 cm.
    Row spacing: 12-15 cm (as in the case of grain)
    The crop is rolled.
White mustard - grown as a sideral plant in the field and in greenhouses after harvesting vegetables, potatoes or annuals. It produces a large amount of green manure, which is an excellent substitute for manure. The plants are woody, medium height and resistant to lodging. It has good anti-nematode properties. Grows well in dry and poor soils.
Mustard likes moisture, especially during seed germination. By growing quickly, it suppresses weeds and reduces soil weediness by 30-60%. Mustard has strong, long, well-branching roots and produces a large amount of green matter in a short period of time, making it an excellent green manure crop for use as an understorey crop. They are short-growing plants. Depending on the moisture content and air temperature, it takes 20-30 days from the appearance of the seedlings to butonisation. The green matter should be ploughed when it is most abundant, i.e. during flowering. They flower more profusely in more fertile soils and dislike acidic, waterlogged soils. At a pH of 5,5, the soil should be limed with a fertiliser containing magnesium, sulphur and boron.
25 Tuotteet