Barcode: 4772032004757  
Quantity: 1 kg  
German Lawn Grass Seed Mix EG SPORT (1KG)

      • Lawn Grass Seed Mix for sports turf and children's playgrounds. Forms a turf that is resistant to trampling and intensive use. Root-stemmed red fescue bushes intensively and quickly fills empty spaces in the lawn. The lawn grows rapidly and tolerates frequent mowing. The recommended cutting height is 20-40 mm.

        Recommended sowing rate: 2.5-3kg/a

        Mixture composition:
        40% rhizomatous red fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
        20% perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
        20% perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
        20% meadow algae (Poa pratensis)

New lawn installation: Before sowing, the soil should be properly prepared by destroying weeds, loosening the soil and lightly rolling it. The seed is placed at a depth of 0.5-2.0 cm (depending on the coarseness of the seed). Sow on a windless day and lightly roll the seeds evenly.

Mowing the lawn: Mow evenly and evenly. The grass should not lose more than 60-70% of its leaf surface. Household lawns should be mowed every two weeks, parks once a month, flowering meadows several times a season, and landscape lawns once a season.

Lawn fertilisation: Newly installed lawns should be fertilised after the second mow. Lawn fertilisation is divided into main and supplementary fertilisation. The main fertilisation takes place in early spring (late March/early April) and includes phosphorus, potassium and a small amount of nitrogen. Additional fertilisation takes place during the growing season (April-August), using nitrogen-based fertilisers. After the end of the growing season, in November, it is advisable to apply potassium magnesium (KMg) to the lawn for a better overwintering and earlier spring growth.

Lawn watering: The soil of a newly sown lawn should be kept consistently moist for good germination of the seed. Water frequently but sparingly. Around 20l of water per m² is recommended. Once the lawn is established, depending on rainfall and soil texture, it should be watered every 8 to 11 days, or twice a week in dry weather. The lawn is considered to be properly watered when the soil is at least 10 cm wet.
6 Tuotteet

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