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Gyvūnų maistas
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Gyvūnų maistas
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10KG EG PRO 520 RENOVATION Lawn seeds
Viite: 4018214199966
79,99 €
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This grass mix is well suited for reseeding, also for establishment and renewal of lawn on sportsfields and playgrounds. Fast-growing and traffic-resistant lawn. Creeping red fescue included into the mix spread via above-ground creeping stems and quickly fills the bare patches of the lawn. Chewing’s fescue forms fine-structured and very dense turf. The lawn is drought-resistant and shade-tolerant. Recommended lawn cutting height: 20-40 mm.
Recommended seeding rate: 2.5-3kg/a
Mix composition:
75% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
15% Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
10% Chewing’s fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)
10 KG
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