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Salvia nemorosa Blue 10 seeds
Viite: 10002679
0,95 €
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Sage is an annual plant. „Blue“ sage is of extraordinary beauty, highly valued for its beautiful small bush, blue-violet flowers that stretch into the sky like candles, and long flowering. After cutting the spent flowers, they are not so abundant, but they bloom a second time. Sage likes a sunny and semi-sunny, open place, fertile soil. Sage is sensitive to frost, so seedlings should be planted after the danger of frost has passed. An irreplaceable flower in greenery, flower beds, vases and bouquets.
Lot. : Salvia nemorosa
Resistance zone: 3a - 8b
Flowering season: summer, late summer, autumn
Planting spacing: 12-16 inches (30-41 cm)
Height: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Width: 6-8 inches (15-20 cm)
Growing position: sunny