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Koeleria glauca Coolio 5 seeds
Viite: 10002652
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Koeleria Coolio is a well-growing and non-spreading species suitable for sunny areas. It forms a low, dense cluster of very small bluish-green leaves. By mid-summer, the plant develops erect dark green flower stalks, which become pale brown stipules with age. Particularly attractive in mass plantings. Easily divided in fall or spring. In regions with mild winters, the leaves may remain evergreen. If desired, prune in early spring and remove the flower stalks in late summer to keep the plant from losing its shape and decorativeness.
Lot. : Koeleria glauca
Engl.: Blue Hair Grass
Resistance zone: 6a - 8b
Flowering season: summer
Planting spacing: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Height: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Width: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Growing position: part sun, full sun