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Double-Flowered Dianthus Rose Lace 5 seeds
Viite: 10002640
0,95 €
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Rose Lace is a two-tone pink with white carnation. Due to its lacy, toothed petals, the Rose Lace carnation has the largest flowers of any carnation of its type, up to 4 cm. An excellent choice for edging, planting in rock gardens or for use in cut flower arrangements. Also, it is a great companion with pansies in both early spring and fall.
Lot. : Dianthus barbatus interspecific Engl .: Double-Flowered Dianthus Resistance zone: 6a - 9b Flowering season: autumn, early spring, spring Planting Spacing: 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm) Height: 16-20 inches (41-51 cm) Width: 10 inches (25 cm) Growing place: sunny
63 Tuotteet