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Single Dianthus Strawberry 10 seeds
Viite: 10002638
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Many flowers on a compact bush. Solid pink, some flowers have a darker red center. Carnations Ideal for early flowering. It blooms continuously throughout the summer and withstands the heat. These are very beautiful and carefree plants. Grows about 20-25cm. tall, they are perfect for the front of a flower bed. Best to fertilize once or twice per season. You can mulch if you want, but not too close to the plant to prevent rotting. Wilted flowers should be picked for continuous blooms. Carnations are cold hardy and usually survive one winter and bloom again the following spring. The compact form of carnations is perfect for landscaping and compositions.
Lot.: Dianthus chinensis
Common name: Single Dianthus
Hardiness zone: 5a - 5b
Flowering season: early spring, spring, late spring, summer, autumn, late summer
Planting spacing: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Height: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Width: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Growing space: sunny