Our collection includes: McKana Giants, Big Marigold Sunset Giants Double, Carnation Pink & Carmine, Foxglove, Annual Mallow, Levand Verani, Dahlia Pinnata, Marigold Bonita, Garden Delphinium Pacific Giant, Verbena Ideal Florist, Edging Lobelia Blue Carpet, Tall Hollyhock Summer Carnival, Max Chrysanthemum May Queen, Elegant Zinnia and Snapdragon. These seeds can be sown from March to May and will bloom with vibrant colours and wonderful scents!

Sycamores (European Mckana Giants) - An unusual flower. It can grow in a wide range of soil types in partial sun. Plant in perennial ornamental flower beds, lawns.

Sunset Giants Double - Annual flower. It does not need special weather or soil conditions. The flowers are massive, double, 13-15 cm across. Blooms from July to late autumn. It grows and flowers well in full sun, but can also be grown in shade. Resistant to most diseases and drought. It has a scent that repels pests. It is ideal for gardens, cemeteries, balconies and as a pot plant.

Carnation (Carnation Pink & Carmine) - grows best in a warm, sunny location. It rots quickly in heavy, wet soil. The flowers are dark pink to white with darker stripes. Can be grown in gardens and rockeries.

Foxglove is a biennial plant. It grows in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in sunny, partly sunny positions. The flowers are cascading and irregularly bell-shaped, dotted inside, pink or white. Can be grown in the parterre. The flowers are long-blooming and cut flowers last a long time in the vase.

Annual mallow is an annual, undemanding, bush-shaped plant that flowers profusely. Suitable for all types of drained soil. Grows in full sun in part shade. Seeds are sown directly into the soil in early spring. A sheltered position from winds is essential for growth. The leaves are removed after flowering.

Lavender Verani (Levand Verani) is a perennial variety. Fresh and dried lavender flowers and leaves are used for food, giving a pleasant scent and bitter taste. It flowers in the second year after sowing, from July to August. Covered in winter.

Dahlia Pinnata - Dahlia Unwins can be successfully grown from seed, reaching a height of 35-45 cm and producing bright, colourful flowers. Dahlia dahlias grow and flower best in a well-drained, sunny position. They like warm weather and do not tolerate frost. Plant outdoors after the last frost date when the soil has warmed up. Most dahlias will start flowering in midsummer.

Marigold Bonita (Marigold Bonita) - Biennial plant 30-50 cm. It is not soil-hungry and prefers a sunny position. The inflorescence can be monochrome or variegated. The flowers are bright, 2-2,5 cm across, simple and double. Serenity often overwinters and continues to grow as a perennial flower. For gardens, flowerbeds and bouquets.

Garden delphinium Pacific Giant - grows in sunny locations. The inflorescence has 50-80 flowers and is half the size of the stem. The flowers can be single, double, blue, purple, pink, white or violet, but the 'eye' of the flower varies in colour. It can be grown in groups with other perennial flowers, in shrubs.

Verbena Ideal Florist is an annual plant. Likes sun and partial shade. It is cold hardy, hardy and prefers drier soil, not fertilised with fresh manure. Very bright flowers in a variety of colours and a very pleasant scent, especially in the evening. Suitable for plantations, gardens and cemeteries, balconies, flower pots, picking.

Blue Carpet Lobelia (Lobelia Blue Carpet) - Annual. Depending on the variety, lobelia can be tall or low. Blooms 2 months after germination. Blooms are long and abundant. Grows best in moist loamy soil. The seeds are small and germinate two weeks after sowing.

Tall hollyhock Summer Carnival is a perennial. Large double or semi-double flowers, up to 30 flowers per stem. Sturdy straight stem. Grows best in fertile soil, in full sun, sheltered from winds.

Max chrysanthemum May Queen is a perennial. It grows in fertile, moderately heavy soil. Can be sown in flowerbeds and with other perennial flowers. The flowers survive 8-12 days after being immersed in water (vase).

Elegant Zinnia (Elegant Zinnia) is an annual flower. 5-7 cm across, cut flowers last 10-12 days in water. Annual for flowerbeds and balconies. Plant outdoors after frost.

Smooth-living yarrow (Snapdragon) - annual. Blooms for 3-3,5 months, up to 12 days per inflorescence. Grows best in light soil, sun or partial shade. The flowers are irregularly shaped and of different colours. Can be grown in gardens, balconies and pots.

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