These are date or berry hot peppers. Fruits are bell-shaped, 4-7 cm in diameter, moderately spicy (capsaicin content according to the Scoville scale (SHU) 20,000-35,000). They look very decorative when ripening on the bush. Suitable for flavoring many dishes, even desserts. Hot peppers are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, iodine. The compound capsaicin has healing properties - it thins the blood and lowers blood pressure. Designed for growing in open ground.

ADVICE: pick the fruit with gloves, do not rub your eyes.

The seeds are sown in the 2nd - 3rd month in separate growth pots.

Pungency according to SHU 20,000-35,000

Lat. Capsicum annuum L.

Quantity 0.1g

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