Quantity: 10 kg

A mix of meadow flowers and herbs with lawn grasses

This mixture of wild annual and perennial flowers, herbs, lawn grasses and cloves is suitable for sowing anywhere you want to have a flowering outdoor meadow and in a few years it forms into a perennial meadow with a beautiful and colorful flora. The flowering meadow will attract butterflies and bees. This flower meadow only needs to be cut twice a year, the first time in early spring and the second time in September.

Sowing rate: 10g / m2

Composition: 5% Agrostis capillaris L., 1% Anthoxanthum odoratum L. 15% Coarse fescue (Festuca trachyphylla L.) 5% Upright (Bromus erectus L.) 10% Red tufted fescue (Festuca rubra com L.) 5% Fodder timothy (Phleum pratense L.) 5% Arrhenatherum elatius L. 2% Esparcets for sowing (Onobrychis sativa L.) 1% Purple clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) 1% Lotus corniculatus L. 5% Meadow mistletoe (Poa pratensis L.) 30% Red long-stemmed fescue (Festuca rubra rubra L.) 15% Mixture of wild flowers and herbs (more than 40 different varieties)


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